This years Super Cup takes place from December 28th till December 31th in Taoyuan / Taiwan. Taoyuan is approximately 45 minutes carride from capital Taipei City. 14 players from around the globe have been invited to compete at the TaiMall, one of the countless malls here in Taiwan.
I arrived in Taoyuan on the 26th after spending Christmas with my parents and family in my home city Fulda in Germany. It had been more than seven month without seeing my family and friends, so I was happy to get at least a few days to hang out with them. But job was calling...
I found out that there are over 4000 !!! poolrooms in Taiwan. There must be more than 60 000 pool tables in this country. No wonder Taiwanese players are the most feared competators in the world of pool...
The Super Cup started with a playermeeting and a press conference. Highlight no doubt was the dance performance of Wu Chia Ching and Ko Pin-Yi. I took a video, will try to upload it when I have a better connection. The two World Champions dancing with there cues on the stage to funky music - hillarious !

Let me list the invited players. Here we go:
Group A
Chang Jung Lin (Taiwan)
Thorsten Hohmann (Germany)
Wu Chia Ching (Taiwan)
Jeff De Luna (Philippines)
Rodney Morris (USA)
Fu Che Wei (Taiwan)
Hayato Hijikata (Japan)
Group B
Yang Ching Shun (Taiwan) defending champion
Lu Hui Chan (Taiwan) replaced Shane van Boening (got stuck in bad weather in US)
Ralf Souquet (Germany)
Roberto Gomez (Philippines)
Kuo Po Cheng (Taiwan)
Marcus Chamat (Sweden)
Ko Pin-Yi (Taiwan)

We are playing 9-Ball, race to seven, winner breaks. Two groups, round robin, the second and third place finisher of each group is qualified for the quarter final. The winner of each group is automatically seeded for the semi final...
My first match in on the 28th at Noon Taiwanese time against Fu Che Wei. All matches live on Taiwanese television. Keep your fingers crossed...

Hi Thorsten,
I'm a fan lives in TW,
and I got this website from you today before Ralf's game against Yang.
I saw your blog,and it's really great,I love it so much.
Wish you and all of the competitors have great time in these couple days,Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!!
Hi Louis,
thanks for the comment. Bring all your friends and family tomorrow to cheer for me against Wu. Just kidding. Actually not... I will buy you a beer afterwards. Hehehe
Hi Thorsten! It is possible to watch this TV program from Europe ( Slovenia)? Please write it here or send me mail on Merry Xmas and happy new year. Good luck on tournament! Bye Hitman!
Hi Ramsaks,
I am almost sure you cannot. I would not know how. Unless there is a way to hack into the Taiwanese TV programm through the internet..
Hi Thorsten. Thank you. I am used to it, to I cant watch pool around the world live on TV. How is in USA and Asia? Is there more pool players and better tournaments than in Europe? I read to on Taiwan are more than 4000 poolrooms. This is awesome. In Slovenia we have maybe 15 poolrooms and 100 licensed players In Slovenian billiard association :( Have a good time. Bye!
I was fortunate to be able to watch you play straight pool at the Maryland tournament and at the Derby City tournament; you have a very impressive game.
It is obvious that your ball pocketing skills are superior. Could you tell us how you developed your exceptional ball pocketing skills?
Betmore, I stick to a version that Thorsten had enough time to practise during his army service :) Just after leaving it he won the world championship!
Could be great to see what Thorsten says himself though.
Fierce player and nice person Mr Hohmann is (hope there were no mosquitoes in Taiwan) :))
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